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When Will Java 11 Replace Java 8 as the Default Java?

The newest version of the Java Enlargement Kit, Java 11, is out. Ever since JDK Beta made its debut back in 1995, there has been continuous development of the platform for this high-level, general-purpose programming language.
java 11 vs java 8
The issue of Java 11 monitored Java 10 only by 6 months. This is in line with the proposal made by Mark Reinhold, Chief Architect of the Java online course platform, back in 2017. He proposed to replace the two-year schedule with a twice-a-year release cycle.
At the moment, Java 8 and Java 11 are the LTS versions. The end of public updates for Java 8 is scheduled for January of 2019 for commercial use. For non-commercial use, the same is scheduled at an unspecified date in December of 2020.
What is fascinating with Java 11, aside from all the added, removed, and denounced features, is that it won’t be supported by Oracle. In its place, the OpenJDK community will provide long-term support, most probably in the form of AdoptOpenJDK.

What About Other Java Releases?

With the issue of Java 11, support for Java 10 finished. This is since it was a rapid release version, like Java 9, which confined support that has also been removed.
Though JDK kinds prior to Java 8 are still supported by administrations on a commercial basis, it is highly recommended to uninstall pre-Java 8, especially from Windows computers. Before replying the question: “when will Java 11 interchange Java 8 as the default version of Java?” let-us main get to identify Java 11 better.

New in Java 11

Each release of Java presents a number of new landscapes. However, this time, it’s bigger and better. Java 11 adds a multitude of new features to the existing feature list. Here are some of the most important ones:
  • 10 new scripts, including Adlam, Newa, Tangut, and Zanabazar Square
  • A scalable, low-latency garbage collector, ZGC or Z Garbage Collector, is added along with Epsilon GC, an experimental No-op Garbage Collector
  • Accessible via JVMTI, a low-overhead heap profiling is now available
  • Accumulation of a new default method to the java.util.Collection interface
  • ChaCha20 and ChaCha20-Poly1305 ciphers are available. ChaCha20 is a new stream cipher meant to replace the old, and insecure as well, RC4 stream cipher
  • Combines Unicode 9.0.0 and 10.0.0
  • Enhanced SunEC earner, supporting 4 surplus Brainpool curves
  • Enactment of a new key agreement structure using Curve25519 and Curve448
  • Developed Java launcher to run a program delivered as a single file of Java source code
  • Includes the implementation of the TLS 1.3
  • Introduction of  jceks.key.serialFilter, a security property
  • JVM now supports the arrangement of classes and interfaces into a nest, a brand new access-control context
  • New command line flag, -XX:+UseDynamicNumberOfCompilerThreads. It is added to dynamically control compiler threads
  • RSASSA-PSS signature algorithm support is added to the SunMSCAPI provider
  • Standardized HTTP Client
  • Support for the Kerberos 5 encryption types of aes128-cts-hmac-sha256-128 and aes256-cts-hmac-sha384-192
  • Updated locale data based on the Unicode Consortium’s CLDR (Common Locale Data Registry)
  • var, a reserved type name, is usable when declaring the formal parameters of a lambda expression


Not only has the latest iteration of the Java online training Development Kit introduced a plethora of features, but it also has axed some of it's older features. Most of them have been deprecated in previous Java releases. Features and alternatives that are no longer existing in JDK 11 include:
  • The  appletviewer tool. It was depreciated in JDK 9
  • Bundled fonts. Hence, JDK 11 relies solely on fonts installed on the operating system
  • com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities class, which received devaluation in JDK 10
  • CORBA and Java EE modules
  • JavaFX modules, now available as a separate set of modules
  • Java Plugin and Java WebStart technologies. Java Regulator Panel, for configuring the utilization technologies are removed along with the shared system JRE and the JRE Auto Update mechanism
  • JDK.snmp module
  • JMC (Java Mission Control). Though, it is available as an attached downloadable module
  • The requirement for JVM observing and management through SNMP, JVM-MANAGEMENT-MIB.mibclass. Its replacement is java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.defineClass
  • and  sun.locale.formatasdefault properties
  • Support for images with alpha is no longer available to the java.imageio JPEG plugin
  •  Thread.destroy() and Thread.stop(Throwable) methods


With the release of every major version of the Java certification course platform, there are some depreciations alongside inclusions and exclusions. JDK 11 deprecates:
  • Command-line arguments -XX:+UnlockCommericalFeatures and -XX:+LogCommercialFeatures
jcmd commands: VM.check_commercial_features and VM.unlock_commercial_features
  • Nashorn JavaScript engine, corresponding APIs, and jjs tool
  • Pack200 API in java.util.jar and pack200 and unpack200 tools
  • Stream-based GSSContext procedures, including acceptSecContextgetMICinitSecContextunwrapverifyMIC, and cloak
  • ThreadPoolExecutor, the finalize method that shut down the thread pool does nothing
  • VM option –XX:+Aggressive Opts

So When Will Java 11 Interchange Java 8 as The Default Java?

The simplest answer is: not anytime soon! We already discussed that some organizations and individuals as well, still rely on pre-Java 8 versions for continuing their operations. This will be true for Java 8 also. Moreover, it is an LTS version that means it will outlast the rapid release versions.
An additional dispute that supports this idea is that Java 11 is relatively new. Therefore, it will take some time to gain traction. Most of the businesses that are already mushrooming with the deployment of Java 8 will continue reaping benefits from it.
Can’t decide which one to use for using Java 11? OpenJDK or Oracle JDK. Well, here’s a contrast between the two to help you make your selections.


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